Category: Uncategorized

  • St Valentine in Dublin

    Did you know that celebrating February 14 is a tradition dating back to the year 496 AD? So who was Saint Valentine, how is he connected with Ireland and Dublin and where do the traditions we have on this day come from?  Saint Valentine was a Christian priest during the rule of Emperor Claudius II…

  • Robin in Irish and American legends

    A robin is one of Ireland’s favourite birds, common in both towns and the countryside. They are often seen up close, known for their friendly and social nature, unafraid of people. It’s not surprising that there are different legends about robins in Ireland. The robin is considered sacred in Ireland, and killing one is considered…

  • My Story

    Hi Everyone! Lovely to have you here on this page My name is Diana. Originally I am from St Petersburg, Russia and I have lived in Ireland, North Wicklow, for the past six years with my husband and our family of three kids and our dog Goldie. My passion in life (next to my loved…

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